Rock Noc 08.01.2022 r g.22.00

Plan na sobotnią Rock Noc prawie gotowy: Bowie, Kayak, Yes, Great White, Bonamassa, Cornell, Wilson...TSA. Klasyka rocka na całego. Zapraszam do słuchania. Polskie Radio Rzeszów godz.22.00
Lista utworów:
Dawid Bowie: Blackstar, I Can't Give Everything Away
Kayak:Critica Mass, A Writer's Tale
YES:The Ice Bridge, Dare To Know, Minus The Man
Great White:Call It Rock N' Roll, Can't Shake It, Afterglow
Joe Bonamassa: Time Clocks, Mind's Eye
Chris Cornell:Get It While You Can, Patience, Watching The Wheels
Ray Wilson:You Could Have Been Someone, Mother Earth, The Weight Of Man, Golden Slumbers
TSA "Spunk !"
1. Don't Worry Friend
2. Upper Classes
3. Stop
4. Nothing Left To Say
5. Your Conscience
6. People Like Zombies
7. Black Sabbath
8. No Hints
TSA "Live 1982"
1. Spółka
2. Wyprzedaż
3. 51
4. Plan życia
5. Chodzą ludzie
Lista utworów:
Dawid Bowie: Blackstar, I Can't Give Everything Away
Kayak:Critica Mass, A Writer's Tale
YES:The Ice Bridge, Dare To Know, Minus The Man
Great White:Call It Rock N' Roll, Can't Shake It, Afterglow
Joe Bonamassa: Time Clocks, Mind's Eye
Chris Cornell:Get It While You Can, Patience, Watching The Wheels
Ray Wilson:You Could Have Been Someone, Mother Earth, The Weight Of Man, Golden Slumbers
TSA "Spunk !"
1. Don't Worry Friend
2. Upper Classes
3. Stop
4. Nothing Left To Say
5. Your Conscience
6. People Like Zombies
7. Black Sabbath
8. No Hints
TSA "Live 1982"
1. Spółka
2. Wyprzedaż
3. 51
4. Plan życia
5. Chodzą ludzie