Rock Noc 04.02.2017 r. g.22.00

Zapraszam do słuchania sobotniej audycji Rock Noc w której urodziny obchodzić będzie Alice Cooper. Usłyszycie utwory z klasycznego albumu artysty pt. "Trash". Ponadto zagram koncert grupy Iron Butterfly, zabrzmi zatem słynna "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" w wersji live. Nie zabraknie też brzmień winylowych i premiery najnowszego utworu grupy Depeche Mode. Rock Noc sobota godz.22.00 - Polskie Radio Rzeszów.
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Lista utworów:
Deep Purple: Time For Bedlam, Paradise Bar
Black Star Riders: Testify Of Say Goodbye
Alice Cooper: Poison, Spark In The Dark, House Of Fire, Trash
Smashing Pumpkins "Gish" - winyl: I Am One, Siva, Rhinoceros, Bury Me, Crash
Depeche Mode: Where's The Revolution
Doogie White & La Paz: Light The Fire, Heart Of Stone, A Certain Song, Retribution Blues
Retrospective: Right Way, The End Of Their World
Illusion: O przyszłości, O trudzie wyboru
Collage: Baśnie
Marillion: You're Gone, Don't Hurt Yourself
Iron Butterfly: In The Time Of Our Lives, Filed With Fear, Soul Experience, You Can't Win, Afe You Happy, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
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Lista utworów:
Deep Purple: Time For Bedlam, Paradise Bar
Black Star Riders: Testify Of Say Goodbye
Alice Cooper: Poison, Spark In The Dark, House Of Fire, Trash
Smashing Pumpkins "Gish" - winyl: I Am One, Siva, Rhinoceros, Bury Me, Crash
Depeche Mode: Where's The Revolution
Doogie White & La Paz: Light The Fire, Heart Of Stone, A Certain Song, Retribution Blues
Retrospective: Right Way, The End Of Their World
Illusion: O przyszłości, O trudzie wyboru
Collage: Baśnie
Marillion: You're Gone, Don't Hurt Yourself
Iron Butterfly: In The Time Of Our Lives, Filed With Fear, Soul Experience, You Can't Win, Afe You Happy, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida