Rock Noc 18.03.2017 r. g. 22.00

Zapraszam do słuchania sobotniej audycji Rock Noc w Polskim Radiu Rzeszów, która rozpocznie się o godz. 22.00. Zagram z winyla płytę The Mission "The First Chapter", pojawi sie nowy album Depeche Mode oraz klasyka rocka. Po pólnocy koncert legendarnego Erica Burdona. Zapraszam Jerzy Szlachta
Lista utworów:
Metallica: Atlas Rise, Moth Into Flame, Dream No More
The Doors: Riders On The Storm
Dream Theater: A New Beginning
Depeche Mode: Poison Heart, So Much Love, Poorman
The Mission: Tomorrow Never Knows, Serpent's kiss, Over The Hills And far Away, Naked And Savage
Wojciech Hoffman: Journey To The End
Judas priest: Halls of Vahalla, Beginning Of The End
Yes: And You And I
Kruk: It Will Not Back
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Koncert: Boom Boom, When I Was Young, Factory Girl, Once Upon A Time, Devils's Slide, Heaven, The Night, My Secret Life, Tobacco Road
Lista utworów:
Metallica: Atlas Rise, Moth Into Flame, Dream No More
The Doors: Riders On The Storm
Dream Theater: A New Beginning
Depeche Mode: Poison Heart, So Much Love, Poorman
The Mission: Tomorrow Never Knows, Serpent's kiss, Over The Hills And far Away, Naked And Savage
Wojciech Hoffman: Journey To The End
Judas priest: Halls of Vahalla, Beginning Of The End
Yes: And You And I
Kruk: It Will Not Back
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Koncert: Boom Boom, When I Was Young, Factory Girl, Once Upon A Time, Devils's Slide, Heaven, The Night, My Secret Life, Tobacco Road