Rock Noc 01.07.2017 g.22.00

Zapraszam do słuchania kolejnej audycji Rock Noc w Polskim Radiu Rzeszów 1 lipca od godz. 22.00 Zagra klasyka rocka a z winyla Dire Straits "Making Movies". Po północy koncert zespołu U2 " The Joshua Tree Live At Madison Square Garden".
Zapraszam, Jerzy Szlachta
Lista utworów:
U2: Where The Streets Have No Name, Exit, Mothers Of The Disappeared
Ray Wilson: Calling All Stations, Homy By The Sea, Carpet Crawlers, Entangled, Ripples
Dire Straits "Making Movies" (winyl) : Tunel Of Love, Romeo And Juliet, Skateaway
Anathema: Springfield, Can't Let Go, Back To The Street
Radiohead: Airbag, Paranoid Android, Let Down, Karma Police
Tribute Ronnie Rames Dio: Rainbow In The Dark
U2 - The Joshua Tree At The Madison Square Garden:
Where The Streets Have No Name
I Will Follow
Trip Through Your Wires
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Bullet The Blue Sky
Running To Stand Still
In God's Country
Sunday Bloody Sunday
New Year's Day
Zapraszam, Jerzy Szlachta
Lista utworów:
U2: Where The Streets Have No Name, Exit, Mothers Of The Disappeared
Ray Wilson: Calling All Stations, Homy By The Sea, Carpet Crawlers, Entangled, Ripples
Dire Straits "Making Movies" (winyl) : Tunel Of Love, Romeo And Juliet, Skateaway
Anathema: Springfield, Can't Let Go, Back To The Street
Radiohead: Airbag, Paranoid Android, Let Down, Karma Police
Tribute Ronnie Rames Dio: Rainbow In The Dark
U2 - The Joshua Tree At The Madison Square Garden:
Where The Streets Have No Name
I Will Follow
Trip Through Your Wires
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Bullet The Blue Sky
Running To Stand Still
In God's Country
Sunday Bloody Sunday
New Year's Day